Monday, February 24, 2014

Recall, too, that the president halted F-22 production at 187 planes, far short of the planned 381; cut the nation’s strategic nuclear forces by 30 percent and has floated proposals to cut the deterrent arsenal to as low as 300 warheads (about the size of China’s); withdrew from Iraq, over the objection

U.S. Weighs Sharp Cuts to Nuclear Stockpile

February 15, 2012
The White House and Pentagon are considering several proposals that would deeply cut the nation's stockpile of nuclear weapons, potentially to as low as 300 warheads under one such plan, according to a U.S. official.
The proposals haven't been presented to President Barack Obama but are being debated by lower-level officials on the national-security staff and in the Pentagon.
The U.S. official said the government isn't...

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