Thursday, February 20, 2014

Erik Rush: Obama 'Created Jihadi Cells' Across America

Erik Rush: Obama 'Created Jihadi Cells' Across America

Among other conspiracy theories circulating throughout the pro-government Egyptian media is the belief that the Obama administration and the Israeli government are secretly aiding the Muslim Brotherhood in order to divide Egypt and destabilize the Mideast.
WorldNetDaily’s Erik Rush naturally believes the US-Muslim Brotherhood conspiracy, listing it as a reason that President Obama should be overthrown and executed.
Today, Rush writes that both Democrats and Republicans are tied to the Muslim Brotherhood, and warns that Obama is personally setting up Islamsit cells in America to prevent anyone from removing him from office: “Considering the laxity of our federal law enforcement with regard to Islamists within our borders, the insinuation of Muslim Brotherhood operatives into our government and the known presence of foreign jihadis in America, could it be that the president has clandestinely created jihadi cells across country in order to ‘have his back’ in the event that a move is made to remove him?”
It appears that with each passing week – if not more often than that – we are made aware of yet more evidence of the transcendent corruption in our government and political infrastructure, if you will. Although the emerging tyranny of the Obama administration and its audacious proliferation of collectivist policies defy reason, the façade has indeed begun to crumble.

As the crimes of the president and his collaborators are revealed, however, the evidence of even more entrenched subterfuge and malevolent designs comes to light. Some of these – like the overall objectives of Marxists like Obama – have been decades in the making, and involve individuals and organizations the average American would never suspect.

In recent weeks, I have reported here on the history of Haj Amin al-Husseini, the Islamist activist who worked closely with Adolf Hitler during World War II and who was a bridge figure in terms of transporting the genocidal and anti-Semitic Nazi model into the post-war Middle East. I’ve also detailed the similarities between the respective political rises to power of Barack Obama and Mohamed Morsi. This becomes particularly chilling when one considers the damage that continues to be done in Egypt by the Muslim Brotherhood since Morsi was driven from office. Considering the laxity of our federal law enforcement with regard to Islamists within our borders, the insinuation of Muslim Brotherhood operatives into our government and the known presence of foreign jihadis in America, could it be that the president has clandestinely created jihadi cells across country in order to “have his back” in the event that a move is made to remove him?

Now we have evidence that there are Republican leaders who may be just as guilty as Obama of compromising our national security as well as our sovereignty and our economy. We’re well aware of the influence of high-placed faux conservatives in government and activist circles. Some may be familiar with such stories as the near-takeover of the conservative organization FreedomWorks by progressive Republicans and the infiltration of progressives into the tea-party movement from its inception.

As we move forward in battling our domestic enemies, it is imperative that we remember that this evil transcends party, and impart that knowledge to the newly engaged. The fate of this nation hinges upon those who recognize this, who adopt the Constitution alone as their herald and commit to unequivocal, unapologetic and courageous commitment.

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